Old SkyWay Pricing

As of June 1, 2024, we will no longer be accepting new applications for the old SkyWay Community Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Please consider the new SkyWay for future use.

There are two editions of the old SkyWay.

Community Edition

This edition is ideal for product prototypes and small businesses. Try this edition first (you can also upgrade to the Enterprise Edition).
0/ Month
  • Number of connections : Free up to 500,000 connections/Month
  • Server traffic: Free up to 500 GB/Month

Enterprise Edition

This edition is ideal for large-scale or commercial services that require a very high level of stability. It offers unlimited use, full support and functionality.
100,000 ~/ Month
¥110,000~ (Tax included) / Month
  • No usage restrictions
  • 99.99% Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Installation and operation support
  • Recording capabilities

Compare plans

Community Edition
(Free Edition)
Enterprise Edition
(Paid Edition)

Video/voice calling

Screen sharing

Data communication

Send and receive messages, gaming operations, etc.

Multi-site connections

Number of communication connections

Up to 500,000 connections / Month

TURN traffic amount

Up to 500 GB / Month

SFU traffic amount

Up to 500 GB / Month
Our engineers provide support with
installation and operation

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

(less than about 4 minutes of downtime per month)
Peer authentication

Prevent unauthorized use of API keys

Management API Function

Obtain usage volume, etc. via API

Enterprise Edition
(paid version) price system
Base fee1
100,000/ Month
¥110,000 (Tax included)
Signaling usage fee2
0/ Month
If monthly signaling frequency exceeds
1,000,000 Times,
¥100,000/Month (¥110,000 Tax included)
Server communication fee
40/ GB
¥44 (Tax included)
*1Please see the FAQs here for more information on base rates.
*2Signaling refers to exchanging information with each other before initiating communication.

Model Case
for one hour

Voice calling app
English conversation lessons
Web conferencing system
Estimated number of users
4 Person
2 Person
8 Person
Audio only
Video and audio
Distributor (1)
Video and audio
Viewers (7)
Audio only
0.28 Yen / 1 hour
¥0.308 (Tax included)
14 Yen / 1 hour
¥15.4 (Tax included)
70.4 Yen / 1 hour
¥77.44 (Tax included)
Server traffic
0.007 GB
SFU server (not used)
0 GB
0.35 GB
SFU server (not used)
0 GB
0 GB
SFU server (used)
1.76 GB
Rate calculation
0.007 GB
40 Yen
¥44 (Tax included)
0.35 GB
40 Yen
¥44 (Tax included)
1.76 GB
40 Yen
¥44 (Tax included)

What is server traffic?

It refers to communications on the following two servers
TURN server
A relay server that enables communication with terminals in an environment that requires NAT traversal, such as an internal network.
SFU server
A relay server that reduces the load on terminals in multi-site communications

What is TURN server usage?

This is the amount of data traffic generated for some communications that require the use of a TURN server when using P2P Room.
TURN servers enable communications in network environments where P2P communications are not available, such as corporate networks.
If a P2P connection is deemed unavailable, communication is established via the TURN server.
Please consider the following as a guide for the percentage of TURN servers used.

- LANs of companies, schools, etc.: 20%
LAN for home use: 10%
- Mobile lines such as 4G LTE, 5G: 1%

What is SFU server usage?

This is the amount of data traffic generated when using SFU Room.
SFU Server is a server to realize large number of calls and distribution.
All communications in the SFU Room are counted as data traffic.
※SFU…Selective Forwarding Unit

What is TURN traffic fee?

This is a pay-as-you-go charge that accrues on the server communications volume.
At the end of each month, each server traffic per month is rounded up to the nearest whole number in 1GB increments.
For example, if the TURN traffic per month is 0.5 GB, it will be rounded up to 1 GB.